Initial Osteopathic Treatment

Dr. Laura Taylor holding a dog's head while performing craniolsacral therapy

Your dog’s first session will be approximately 1.25 hours long.

Your dog’s history

  1. Presenting problem, body issue (e.g. pain), changes in behaviour or mobility

  2. Past medical issues, any history of trauma, injuries, lameness, surgery, etc.

  3. Diet, supplements, medications


  1. Assessing posture, top-line, muscle development and symmetry (and lack thereof), stance, palpating body for heat, assessing acupuncture meridians, assessing gait at a walk/trot.

  2. **Motion palpation of all joints in the body (spinal vertebrae, ribs, jaw, individual joints in all 4 limbs), determine if motion is too much or too little and determine if there are spinal patterns that indicate organ involvement. Organs such as liver, diaphragm, stomach, lungs, and intestines are ‘motion-tested’ via the external body wall to determine level of excessive tension around them, if any.

Osteopathic treatment

  1. Visceral Manipulation — Addresses Crooked Butt Syndrome via treatment of spay/neuter adhesions, tight ovary/uterus, tight prostate, and excessive tension around other organs.


  2. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) – Addresses whole body patterns of fascial restrictions internally that will cause local restricted joints to free up as well (can replace chiropractic manipulations), also addresses excessive tension in the back and neck, issues with the jaw, areas of past injuries that are stiffer than normal.


  3. Manipulation of Joints — that have not freed up with visceral manipulation or CST and are not related to any organ issues (replaces chiropractic adjustments too).



If deemed necessary.

non-osteopathic treatment of sub-clinical organ issues

Joint related issues, digestive problems, any concurrent health problems that may respond to holistic approach.

To book an appointment, please call Healing Traditions Veterinary Clinic (825) 882-2282

Please Note

Dr. Taylor's practice is limited in scope to ​musculoskeletal and neurologic cases in horses, dogs and cats.


Osteopathic or Craniosacral Therapy

Since Crooked Butt Syndrome (CBS) typically takes 1 – 3 treatments to permanently resolve the 1st follow-up session is ideally 1 to 2 weeks later. Once CBS is gone and the pelvis is straight (and stays straight) the frequency of treatment only varies depending on initial problem (e.g. clinical lameness versus more preventative concerns for canine athlete with no current symptoms or have subtle performance issues). ​

Many lameness problems are resolved within 2 to 4 treatments. This excludes dogs with significant ACL issues, advanced joint arthritis or undiagnosed problems that will not respond to osteopathic treatment (e.g. bone cancer).

The typical frequency of osteopathic treatment once CBS is gone:​

  • Younger to Middle Aged Dogs – 2 to 3 times a year (and this is more preventative).

  • Sporting Dogs – 3 to 4 times a year is a common frequency to keep them 100% balanced. ​

  • Elderly Dogs – varies…some need monthly to keep their quality of life good, others every few months.

 With Osteopathy, improvements are maintained for a longer time and don’t need the frequency of chiropractic adjustments.